Tuesday, December 21, 2010

we got a few inches from a snow storm, we were surprised to see most of it had not melted by that evening.

Our sweet dogs put up with a lot these days. Here they are waiting for us to go for a hike.

When I asked Quin how he got the bad scratch on his face, he replied "don't know mumma". You would think such an injury would be memorable. It should be interesting having two boys who rough house all time!

Don't know why this picture decided to be side ways, but it is pretty cute of the boys any way.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Quin lovin' the hills

on my 35th birthday

Quin and Uncle Matt

Luna hanging over Quin in the car on our way for a hike
Quin loved his visit with uncle Matt so much he now askes every other day "where Matt?"

Quin's Halloween costume was 'cool kid with a mustache' because he didn't like his monster constume.

Bowen 2 months old

Quin with his "moo", Luna